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About YBCo

Countless generations of families find solace and tranquility while playing in the warm waters and salty air of New Brunswick's coastlines.   

The youghall Beach Company strives to  pay tribute to our way of life, traditions, landscapes and colourful folk that make our beaches so special.  

Our story begins with the sandbar called Youghall Beach, NB, home to not only one of the best beaches in the world, perhaps the very best! 




Youghall Beach

While fashion styles, landscape and the people continue to change with time, many traditions have remained and are passed down from our elders.  We believe valuable life lessons are taught and learned over a game of crib with a grand-parent on a rainy day, or an epic scavenger hunt up and down the beach with family and friends . We want to help continue to pass the torch of lessons learned, taught by some of the greatest teachers to walk any beach.  

Our Products are available for viewing exclusively at

Catherine & Company, 173 Main St, Bathurst

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